Biophysics and Molecular Materials

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Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Hermann E. Gaub

Education and Scientific Career

1981 Diplom Physik Universität Ulm
1984 Dr. rer. nat. Technische Universität München
1984 Post Doc Stanford University, Chemistry Department
1986 Akademischer Rat Technische Universität München, Physik-Department
1988 Visiting Scientist University of California at Santa Barbara
1991 Venia Legendi Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Physik
1991 Visiting Scholar Stanford University, Chemistry Department
1992 Professor (C3) Technische Universität München, Physik-Department
1995 Professor (C4) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
1999 Visiting Professor Mayo Clinic Rochester
2002 Visiting Professor University of California at Santa Barbara

Honors and Awards

1986 Annual Award of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik
1987 Winner of the Wettbewerb Biowissenschaften Stiftung Volkswagenwerk
1991 Heisenberg Fellow of the German Science Foundation
1993 Max-Planck Research Award
1998- Adjunct Professor at the Jilin University, China
2000 Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdamm
2000 Langmuir Lecture Award of the American Chemical Society
2000 Munich Business Plan Contest Award (3rd rank)
2001- Member of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
2004 Researcher of the Year, Small Times Award
2004- Member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
2006- Kuratorium Deutsches Museum München
2009 Attocube-Wittgenstein Award
2011 ERC Advanced Research Grant

National Activities

2000-2004 Elected DFG-Fachgutachter Biophysik
2000-2003 Wissenschaftsrat Strategische Forschungsförderung
2001- Founding board member of the Center for NanoScience Munich
2002- Spokesman of the Sonderforschungsbereich Nanoman
2003-2008 Elected member of the award committee of the DPG
2004-2008 Elected member of the Fachkollegium der DFG
2005- Founding board member Fachsektion Nanotechnologie der Dechema
2006-2012 Spokesman of the Center for NanoScience
2006-2014 Executive board of the DFG Excellence Cluster Nano Initiative Munich

International Activities

1990- Editorial board on several international journals
1990- Organizer of several international conferences and workshops
2000- International referee board of the Schweizer Nationalfonds
2002- Executive board of the EPS division of Physics in Life Science
2003 International evaluation board of the Ecole Normale Superieure Paris
2006 International review of UK Physics and Astronomy
2007 International evaluation board of NanoNed
2010-2013 Advisory Board Leica Scientific Forum
2011-2015 Member Scientific Council of the Human Frontiers Science Program
2011- Elected Member European Molecular Biology Organization
2014- Chair of the Single Molecule Biophysics Gordon Conference
2016- International Advisory Committee "Frontieres of Nanoscience" Delft Leiden